April 3, 2013

Urca Walking Tour - Day 1 continued

After touring Pao de Acucar, we wanted to take a little walking tour of the village of Urca.  We found the itinerary for the Urca walking tour in our Rio Lonely Planet guide book.  Urca faces the bay (rather than the ocean) and plays host to a plethora of fishing boats.  The walking tour took us to a small church, Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Brasil, with a small chapel on the ground floor and the church upstairs. There is a floating statue of St. Peter in the bay directly across from the church.  We continued walking along the bay until we saw a tiny beach for kayakers and swimmers.
Urca Fishing Boats
Statue of St. Peter
Not knowing how bad traffic would be on the return journey back to the B&B, we cut our walking tour a little short and decided to catch the bus back.  It turned out that the bus trip was fairly quick, allowing us time to get back to our room, clean up, and get ready for our 7 PM dinner reservation.

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