April 10, 2013

Arcos da Lapa

Although not technically in Rio Centro, the next stop on our walking tour were the iconic Arches of Lapa. This structure was originally constructed as an aqueduct (Aqueduto da Carioca) to bring water from Rio Carioca to Centro Rio.  This structure later became the bridge that the bondes (trams) traveled between Santa Teresa and Rio Centro.  The bonde has since been discontinued due to an accident in August 2011 (more info to be provided in the upcoming Santa Teresa - Day 3).  We ended up visiting this area twice in one day.  First during the afternoon (daylight) when it was a bit deserted.  We would visit this area again at night when the entire area would turn into a party area filled with locals and vendors selling Caipirinhas and meat on sticks.  The Caipirinha is known as Brazil's national cocktail. We really enjoyed walking around Lapa on Friday night, it was a huge street party with cheap drinks and everyone having a good time.  We met an American living in Lapa and working in the oil industry.  He knew almost no Portuguese when he moved to Rio and has learned conversational Brazilian Portuguese in his 1+ year stay.

There have been reports on TripAdvisor of tourists getting robbed in this area during daylight hours and specifically on Sunday mornings.  Fortunately we were not robbed at this location, or at any point during our trip.

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