April 12, 2013

Day 3 - Santa Teresa Walking Tour

Along our self-guided walking tour of Santa Teresa, we visited Largo do Guimaraes (densest concentration of Santa Teresa shops and restaurants).

Centro Cultural Laurinda Santos Lobo
Next, we attempted to visit Centro Cultural Laurinda Santos Lobo, but it was closed. 

The guide book recommended stopping at Bar do Gomes / Armazém São Thiago for a drink.  As you can see in this picture, it is quite busy during the day and probably more so at night.

Continuing on our walking tour, we reached Largo das Neves which previously also served as the terminus of the Paula Matos bonde (tram) line.  Not much was going on at Largo das Neves mid-day when we visited, but it is known as a gathering area for families by day and a party area by night.

Next to Largo das Neves, was a notable 19th century church, Igreja de Nossa Senhora das Neves

We also enjoyed scenic views of Rio including Christ the Redeemer statue and some of the surrounding favelas (shantytowns).

Next, we stopped in for lunch as Bar Nega Teresa which was nearly full and only had one two-person table available.  Paul had the fried fish with shrimp and I enjoyed the beef Milanese.  Another tasty meal in Brazil.  The meal portion sizes are quite generous here in Brazil.

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