April 15, 2013

Dinner at Sobrenatural, Santa Teresa / Rio

Paul's dinner reservation for tonight was at Sobrenatural, a restaurant known for its seafood dishes, and more specifically, their moquecas.  (A moqueca is a stew infused with coconut milk tomatoes, cilantro, and lime.)  Sobrenatural is located  near the highest concentration of restaurants and shops in Santa Teresa (Largo do Guimaraes), so it was the easiest restaurant to find.

We arrived at the restaurant only to have the waiter lead us to the worst table in the entire restaurant (approximately 3 feet / 1 meter) away from the bathroom door in the very back of the restaurant. The restaurant was at least 80% empty at this point. I politely objected to the waiter for the poor table selection and he insisted that was the only table available as all of the other tables were reserved. We explained that we also made a reservation and expected to be seated at a decent table. Next the waiter tried to seat us with another couple literally in the doorway / front entry of the restaurant. When we objected again, the waiter then tried to seat us at the bathroom table again. After threatening to leave, the waiter gave us an almost decent table next to the renovation area covered with blue tarp.  We ordered the Moqueca de Congro Rosa (English translation Stew with pink Conger Eel). It took about at least 45 minutes to cook the stew and the eel had many many of tiny bones.  I had no idea an eel had so many bones.  I'm no foodie, but the moqueca was a bit bland. The meals are on the higher end and mostly portioned for two people.  Dining here alone would not be cost effective or fun.  We took our time with dinner (as typical for Brazilian dinner) and at the point at which we paid and left, the other reservation that took up all of the decent tables had not arrived yet. Essentially, we made a reservation and sat at a crappy table while all of the decent tables sat empty. There were other people who were eventually seated at the bathroom table and the doorway table.  The waiter was busy with other people and forgot about his doorway patrons; Doorway table patrons left without ordering and without saying a word.

Side Note: We returned to the B&B only to find out that my dog Dash had died earlier that day in a collision with a car.  Our friends were taking care of Dash while we were in Brazil and he decided to wiggle out of his collar and run into the street where he was promptly hit by a car.  It was a sad day to say the least, especially since Dash was my first and only dog. Going on vacation was especially difficult on my dog as he had separation anxiety issues. I'll always remember Dash as the eternal optimist full of energy and unconditional love.

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