April 6, 2013

Lunch at La Fiora, Rua Pedro Lessa, Rio Centro

Our guide for our tour of Centro Rio today was our trusty Lonely Planet Brazil guidebook.  Lonely Planet Brazil provides an itinerary and map for a self guided walking tour of Rio Centro.  Next on our agenda was an open-air market on Rua Pedro Lessa.  We found an assortment of stalls selling music CDs, toiletries, phone covers, and most interesting of all cough drops.  We stopped in for lunch at La Fiora which is a per Kg type restaurant.  I was told about per Kg restaurants from Tess on Day 1, but I wasn't really sure what to expect.  We stood there for a little while a bit confused as to the process.  We were rescued by a very nice employee who spoke fluent English and explained that this was a buffet where they charged by the weight of the food.  They offered a wide selection of food that turned out to be extremely tasty. We selected our food from the buffet; as we exited the buffet area, there was someone to weigh our food and issue us a ticket.  We then selected our seats and a waiter came over to take our drink order.  Being from Atlanta, we order a Coca-Cola.  The Coca-Cola is much sweeter in Brazil because they use sugarcane juice.  At the conclusion of our meal, the waiter added our drink order to our food ticket and we paid with our credit card at the register at the front of the restaurant.

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