April 13, 2013

Parque das Ruínas and Museu da Chácara do Céu

Last but certainly not least on our day tour of Santa Teresa were Parque das Ruínas (English translation: Ruins Park) and Museu da Chácara do Céu.  Our guidebook was so old that it indicated there separate entrances for each attraction; initially we walked by the entrance for the Ruins Park in an attempt to see the museum first.  We noticed that all of the other tourists were entering the Ruins Park and no one was going the way we were going, so we decided to see the Ruins Park first (follow everyone else).

Don't let the name fool you.  This is NOT a park of busted old rocks, it is a beautiful brick exterior with a modern support system / staircase that allows visitors to climb to the top for amazing 360º panoramic views of Rio.

After enjoying amazing views of Rio, we walked across a small bridge to the Museu da Chácara do Céu.  The entry fee was R$2 and we did pay the admission fee to the cashier.
Museu da Chácara do Céu was the home of Raymundo Castro Maya and his private art collection.  When he died, he left his entire estate to the Brazilian people.  The art is both European and Brazilian and includes paintings, furniture, artifacts, and books.  In 2006, this museum was robbed, so there was significant security presence when we visited in 2013.

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